Board of Trustees

portrait of trustee donald p. gould

I am both honored and excited to lead Pitzer’s Board of Trustees in this next chapter of the College’s growth. Our trustees are a remarkably talented and dedicated group, generous with their time, expertise, and resources on behalf of Pitzer. I believe Pitzer is on a great trajectory for the future. The board looks forward to supporting President Strom C. Thacker, the leadership team, the faculty, and the entire Pitzer community in making that bright future a reality.

Donald P. Gould
Chair of the Board; President & Chief Investment Officer, Gould Asset Management LLC


Board Members

Sekou Andrews ’94 
Founder & CEO, SekouWorld, Inc.

Bridget Baker ’82, P’25
Founder & Principal, Baker Media Inc.

Diana Bob ’02
Native Law PLLC

Gerri Bock P'27
Los Altos, California

Thomas Brock ’83
Director, Community College Research Center

Harold A. Brown
Partner, Gang, Tyre, Ramer, Brown & Passman, Inc.

Hali Croner P'26
CEO, The Croner Company

Mark A. Cunningham ’89, P’25
Alumni Board President

Stephen Davis P’23
Los Angeles, California

Tyrus Emory ’08
Creative Producer, Martian Entertainment

Julie Flapan ’90
Director, UCLA Computer Science Equity Project and CSforCA

Ruett Stephen Foster ’81
Senior Pastor, Community Bible Church

Wendy Glenn ’75
Los Angeles, California

David H. Good P’20
Managing Director, MacKay Gardner Capital, LLC

Donald P. Gould
Chair of the Board; President & Chief Investment Officer, Gould Asset Management LLC

Jonathan P. Graham ’82
EVP, General Counsel & Secretary, Amgen

Gina Hoagland P’21
Chairman, CEO, and Principal, Collaborative Strategies

Jill Klein P’15
Washington, D.C.

David Levin ’90, P’25
Chief Investment Officer/Principal, Magellan Investment Partners, LLC

Derek Mitchell
Chief Executive Officer, Partners in School Innovation

Kenneth R. Pitzer
Pacific Grove, California

James S. Rhodes, III P’22
Co-Founder & President, Embori Group, LLC

Alissa Okuneff Roston ’78, P’06
Beverly Hills, California

William D. Sheinberg ’83, P’12 & P’26
Partner, The Bubble Factory

Michele Siqueiros ’95
Partner, Secoya Affect

Shahan Soghikian ’80
Managing Director, Panorama Capital

Strom C. Thacker, PhD
President, Pitzer College

Louise Beaudette Thornton ’68
Laguna Beach, California

Tracy M. Tindle ’82
Bend, Oregon

Cathy Siegel Weiss
Los Angeles, CA

Emeriti Trustees

Hirschel B. Abelson P’92
President, Stralem & Company, Inc.

William G. Brunger P’01
President, PODS Research, LLC

Susan G. Dolgen P’97
Wood River Ventures

Deborah Bach Kallick ’78
Vice President, Government & Industry Relations, Cedars-Sinai Health System

Robin Kramer ’75
Executive Director, Harbor Freight Tools for Schools

Marilyn Chapin Massey, PhD
Former President, Pitzer College

Melvin L. Oliver, PhD
Former President, Pitzer College

Murray Pepper, PhD
President, Home Silk Properties, Inc.

Edith L. Piness, PhD
Director & Secretary to the Board, San Francisco Museum & Historical Society

Russell M. Pitzer, PhD
Professor Emeritus, Dept. of Chemistry, The Ohio State University

Susan S. Pritzker P’93
Chicago, Illinois

Margot Levin-Schiff P’90, P’95, GP’25 
Chicago, Illinois

Lisa Specht
Partner, Manatt, Phelps & Phillips

Eugene P. Stein
Los Angeles, California

Laura Skandera Trombley, PhD
Former President, Pitzer College

Board of Trustee Meetings


  • October 17–18, 2024
  • February 6–7, 2025
  • May 15–16, 2025

Please reach out to Board Secretary Melanie Lacy Sorenson at if you have any questions.